Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The art of procrastination

You see, the beauty of it all is that I should be doing something else.

But I'm not, I'm adding my voice to a sea of similar voices, of others crying out their trivial concerns in epic manner and those trumpeting their rage and concern against epic events on seemingly trivial blogs. So, after retiring the rant it is back to the discipline of putting down my thoughts as though others are interested, all the while in the background I can heat the pseudo cockney tones of Jamie Oliver and a somewhat paranoid chicken. I am not sure who I feel more sorry for...

That's life, though, ain't it? A sea of noise. A sea of competing voices and events and - dare we say it - people confusing voices for events?

That is procrastination. Listening to voices and elevating them to must go to events.

Enough for now, considering that all I sat down to do was look at my fantasy footy team!

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